Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Paper Market

In an interview (The Interview) on "On The Media" with Bob Garfield, they brought on Nick Mamatus to discuss Nick's decision to write term papers for other people.  Nick's voice showed general signs of happiness or content, as he seemed to be laughing or joking through several parts of the interview, and he also seemed to be very relaxed and laid back on the microphone, showing signs of comfort.  Along with this seemingly happy voice, he had a tone that showed he didn't regret writing other people's papers, although he does agree it is "repulsive, sleazy, and unethical,", and in no way feels at fault or bad about doing it.  Finally, Nick's diction makes it seem as though he thinks he is better than everyone else, as he uses words like: "dumb clients," and "horrible horrible horrible words."  All of these factors, along with the help of Bob Garfield, make Nick seem like an arrogant cheater.

 Nick Mamatus is a bad person for writing other people's term papers.  Before I heard this interview, I had no feelings of loath towards him, but because of his choice of medium, I now dislike Nick for writing others' term papers.  Nick Mamatus made a wrong decision when he decided to do this interview.  The reason I didn't feel any disdain towards Nick before the interview is because before the interview, I read "The Term Paper Artist."  Writing is a good choice of medium for him because it only allows the audience to see one side of the story or whatever the author decides to write about and there is no outside opinion.  The reason doing the interview was a bad decision for Nick is because in an interview, an outside opinion can be brought in and this outside opinion can easily affect the audience.  In the case of Nick Mamatus, the outside opinion was that of Bob Garfield who in a general sense doesn't seem to approve of Nick's decision and showcases it to the audience, causing them to feel the same way towards Nick.  Another choice of medium, which could have been just as bad, if not worse for Nick, could have been a podcast.  The problem with podcasts are they have the same issues as an interview, in the extent that an outside opinion can be brought in, but it also can show the audience the person's dress which can affect the audiences opinion and it shows the involved parties body language which can show signs of doubt, causing the audience to lose hope/faith in that member, or signs of security, causing a positive gesture for that member.  The reason showing a person's dress can cause an issue is it can either become a distraction to the audience or it can be a non-factor.

In conclusion, doing an interview was a bad decision for Nick Mamatus. His tone, voice, and diction made him seem to be very arrogant, sleazy, and unpleasant.  These factors, in combination with the opinion of Bob Garfield, make Nick's decision to write others' papers appear to be wrong.  He should have stayed with just writing his own article, where only his opinion can be heard, and left it at that.

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